A camping adventure sound like a lot of fun, until you realize how expensive it may end up being. Many people believe that in order to go camping, they will need to spend lots of money on different supplies and equipment.
But thankfully, many of these necessary pieces can also be found at Dollar Tree stores. Although prices are more than a $1 now, you are still saving more money by buying them at a dollar store then if you were to buy them at any other store or camping supply store. Below is a list of essential camping items that can usually be found at any local Dollar Tree store.
Plastic Forks/Spoons/Knives

Paper Cups/Napkins


Dish Soap


Baskets/Storage Containers





Duct Tape

Food Containers

Clothes Pins



Toothbrush/ Paste

First Aid

Toilet Paper/Towels

Hand Towels

Puzzles/Coloring Books/Games

Plastic Baggies

Trash Bags

Next time you are worried about having to purchase all your camping needs.Try out your local dollar store for your next camping adventure. You might be surprised how much they actually have to offer. Happy Camping!