It’s your first time hiking with your dog and you don’t know where to get started or even to keep them safe on the trail. There is a lot of responsibility hiking with your dog. Here are five tips you need to know before hiking with your dog.
1: Get Your Dog Used to Walking on a Leash

If you’re planning to take your dog backpacking or hiking with you, it’s important to get them used to wearing a leash and walking on it. Before going out on your adventure, make sure to take your pup on some short walks to get used to the leash and for you to practice basic commands like sit and stay.
It’s important that your dog knows how to sit, lie down, and stay still so they don’t pull too hard on the leash and endanger you and/or themselves. This is also important for passing fellow hikers on the trail especially other hikers with dogs. I have found that a hands free leash has been the best option for hiking and backpacking with my pup.
Additionally, it’s always a good idea to use a body harness for your dog when going backpacking or day hiking with them, as it can provide more control and help to reduce strain on their neck if they do pull. Finally, if your dog is prone to running away or gets easily distracted, it may be wise to consider getting them a tracking device so you can keep tabs on their whereabouts.
2: Invest in the Right Gear
One of the most important things to remember when hiking or backpacking with your dog is that you need to invest in the right gear. You’ll want to make sure your pup is comfortable, safe and equipped to handle the terrain.
A good backpack for your pooch should have adjustable straps so they can move freely while hiking, a handle on top to help lift your pup over obstacles, plenty of pockets to store treats, and waterproof material to protect them from wet weather.
Don’t overpack your dogs backpack, they should only carry no more than 25% of their body weight. Investing in the right gear will ensure that you and your pup have a successful and enjoyable hike together.
3: Choose the Right Trail

When you’re taking your four-legged companion out for a hike, it’s important to choose the right trail. Not all trails are suitable for hiking with dogs; some might be too difficult or too crowded for your pup to handle. Also it’s a good idea to check if dogs are allowed on trails in the area. Most places such as the Smoky Mountains the do not allow dogs on the trails.
4: Bring Plenty of Water and Snacks

It’s important to remember that dogs need special care when going on long hikes. You should always bring plenty of water and snacks for your pup, as they’ll be expending more energy than usual during the hike. A collapsible water bowl is also a great idea, so your pup can take frequent breaks and stay hydrated. I like to bring a chew toy during breaks and/or on an overnight camping trip to keep them busy.
If you know you will be on an extended hike or overnight trip bring a water filter to filter clean water for you and your pup . I’d recommend any filter made by Sawyer.
If your pup isn’t used to hiking with you, make sure to take a few short hikes first before going on a longer one. That way, your pup will have time to adjust and get used to the new activity.
5: Be Prepared for Emergency Situations
When it comes to hiking with dogs, preparation is key. Before heading out on your next outdoor adventure with your pup, make sure you’re well-equipped for any emergency situation that may arise.
Have a first aid kit on hand – Accidents can happen, so it’s important to be prepared with a first aid kit in case of an emergency.
Remember, when it comes to hiking with dogs, it’s important to have an extra leash and a few treats on hand. It can be hard to keep a dog focused on the task at hand while they’re enjoying the great outdoors. Having extra treats can be a great way to reward good behavior and keep them motivated throughout the hike.
Hiking with your dog can be a wonderful experience for both of you. With the right planning, preparation and knowledge, you can ensure that your adventure together is an enjoyable one. The tips mentioned above should help get you started on your journey and ensure that both you and your pup have an amazing time. So grab your packs and hit the trails! Stay Safe and Happy Hiking!