Weather you are hiking or backpacking carrying extra gear can make or break the trip. So, I have found a few cameras out there that have it all, including weight, that are perfect for your next hiking or backpacking trip.
I love taking pictures and even shooting video while I’m on the trail. I like to document my adventure and share it with others. I usually just shoot with my iPhone. While phones have come a long way, they still lack that zoom capability I need to shoot wildlife from a safe distance. I can vlog and shoot amazing video and photos on my phone but I want that extra dynamic of a strong zoom. Also, having a backup camera if my phone ever fills up with storage or the battery dies.
The Canon Powershot SX Series
These little cameras are one of my favorites. They shoot great photos and video at full HD and the higher ends shoot up to 4K while having an insane optical zoom lens that looks amazing. The best part is that they weigh just under a pound with the battery and SD card ready to shoot. They are super affordable for what they can shoot. As a bonus, they have WIFI transfer so, you if you are like me, you can transfer videos and photos to your phone with the Canon Transfer App. If you are a moon guy these cameras can capture great moon shots.

If budget and zoom is what you are looking for in a camera on your next hike then these are the cameras for you. The great quality at a great price is hard to beat.