No Matter if you’re taking part in a long day hike or backpacking trip, there are ways to stretch out your muscles so you can enjoy your adventure without hurting yourself in the process. The list below will highlight some of the best yoga stretches for hiking that can keep you comfortable throughout your adventure.
Cat Cow
These yoga poses help with flexion and extension of your spine and will relieve an achy lower back and tired shoulders after a day of backpacking.
- Come onto your hands and knees, aligning wrists under shoulders and knees under your hips
- As you exhale arch your spine skyward and tuck your chin to your chest for Cat Pose
- As you inhale let your belly drop and the back sway down into Cow Pose
- Alternate the two poses for 7 rounds of breath
This pose will help to open the hips and chest plus help stretch the hamstring and adductors.
- Start with your feet hip bone distance, then step one foot forward and one back angling the back foot to about 45 degrees.
- Keeping the front leg straight, hinge forward at the waist and bring your hand to touch anywhere on the front leg.
- Let your other arm reach skyward to open the front of your chest.
- Hold for 7 rounds of breath and then switch legs
Extended Side Angle Pose
Much like Triangle, this pose adds a nice stretch into the obliques and intercostal muscles (ribcage)
- From Triangle Pose, bend your front knee so it stacks over the ankle
- Use your elbow to “prop” yourself on top of your thigh
- Let your other arm reach long over head to feel a big stretch in the side body
- Hold for 7 rounds of breath and then do the other side
This yoga pose will stretch your quads, hamstrings and hip flexors after long hikes or any rugged terrain. A good one to do pre and post hike
- Come onto your hands and knees and then bring one foot between the palms of your hands with the heel of your foot down.
- Extend the other leg as far back as is comfortable.
- Hold for 7 rounds of breath
- Switch and do the other leg
Pigeon Pose
One of the best stretches for your hips and also helps with sciatica. Another great stretch for pre and post hiking.
- Starting in Lunge Pose, slowly walk your front foot to the opposite side allowing the knee to release down.
- Keep your back leg long and aligned and foot flat.
- Use your hands to keep your chest lifted and as well as your hips level to the ground.
- Hold for 7 rounds of breath and then do the other side
Standing Forward Pose
One of the best ways to stretch your hamstrings, calves and release tension in your spine.
- Start with your feet hip bone distance apart.
- Folding forward from the waist, allowing a soft bend to the knees
- The head will hang forward and down, arms can dangle or hands can grab the big toe, back of heels or touch the ground. If you cannot reach your toes, no worry, just soften the knees more.
- Hold for 7 rounds of breath and then slowly rise back to standing
A great pose for stretching the hips and lower back; areas of the body that need to be stretched often, especially after any hike. This will also target the inner thigh or adductors and help with external rotation of the hip joint. Another great stretch for pre and post hiking.
- Start in a seated position and bring the soles of your feet together.
- Lightly clasp the toes or ankles with your hands and start with gentle “flapping of your wings”
- Allow stillness to come into your legs as you keep the back tall and fold forward
- Eventaully you can let your shoulders and head hang forward, hold for 7 rounds of breath
After a long day of hiking, it’s likely you feel sore in your legs. If your muscles are aching after an active weekend, or you’re looking for ways to prepare for an upcoming hike, try adding these yoga stretches into your daily routine. They’ll lengthen your muscles and increase flexibility—all while calming your mind. Start out with just one or two of these yoga poses—and if you’re feeling adventurous, do all of them.